Web Test Automation: 8 Testing Phases That You Should Know About
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Web-based systems have become popular to develop business-critical applications. Testing teams in every company often apply the best manual testing approach to curate these applications. Most of the time, some of the other glitches crop-up post the applications go live. Here is your phase-wise guide to implement Web Test Automation, increase the coverage and effectiveness of the manual testing process. and ensure zero application defects.
Web Automation Testing Phases
- Manual Testing
- Write manual test case, per the manual testing process.
- Execution of Manual Test Cases
- Execute Manual Test Cases, unearth defects, and fix them to get the stable Application Under Test (AUT) for automation.
- Feasibility study
- Understand the test requirements and identify the feasible test case candidates for automation. These are the test cases which are generally complex to execute manually, repetitively and mostly from Regression Test Suite.
- Automation Tools Selection
- Select the ideal choice for test automation programming language – Java, Javascript or Python. The languages enable quick and easy development of test scripts.
- Select a UI automation tool depending on the development technology used for the Application Under Test (AUT). You can go for Selenium Web Driver and Protractor
- Unit Test Framework
- TestNG, Jasmine, Mocaha, Karma or PyTest is used as a unit test framework.
- Automation Testing Framework
- Use a suitable Test Framework like Page Object Model to build the Automation Framework
- Use Extent Reports, Allure Reports, etc. for the Test Report generation
- Use Maven for Dependency Management.
- Use Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery.
Page Object Model (POM) Architecture using Test NG
- Automation Testing
- Write Automation Test scripts for the selected manual test cases.
- Create various Test Suites like Regression, Smoke, etc.
- Do Cross Browser testing leveraging Docker containers on Chrome, Firefox.
- Send the generated Test Reports via Email to concerned stakeholders.
![Example of a Test Report](https://msystechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/3-1024x470.png)
Example of a Test Report
- Automation Maintenance:
- Leverage Automation Team to maintain the Automation Test scripts
Benefits of Automation Testing
- Fast: Runs tests significantly faster than human users.
- Repeatable: Testers can test how the website or software reacts after repeated execution of the same operation.
- Reusable: Tests can be re-used on different versions of the software.
- Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operation each time they are run thereby eliminating human error.
- Comprehensive: Testers can build test suites of tests that covers every feature in the software application.
- Programmable: Testers can program sophisticated tests that bring hidden information.
Test Automation Services for enterprises
Organizations need to evolve their products constantly in order to stay ahead of their competitors. For businesses whose focus is on using applications to run their business more effectively, they need a better, more cost-efficient way of ensuring that business processes will continue to operate properly when you implement software changes. MSys Technologies is a leading provider of testing software and services for enterprises. Our test automation services enable companies to reduce operational costs and improve product performance.
1 Comment
Yes agree with all the listed points. Above listed phases are the main important part of web automation testing.