4 trends that will shape the cloud-native world in 2020

2019 was important for the cloud native community with different announcements that create a lot of buzz. The rise of Kubernetes has been a key development in the cloud native space. , implementing initial few PoCs. Organizations have understood Kubernetes require third party applcations and specialized skills.
However, there are specific 4 trends that are poised to affect the cloud industry in 2020.

Kubernetes + Cloud Native play vital role in your product lifecycle management. Kubernetes simplifies heterogeneous container environment by managing intensive workloads. End result is smooth delivery of applications. However, it isn’t easy to execute a right mix of Kubernetes + Cloud Native – it requires prior experience and niche skills. If you are facing these issues, don’t hesitate to contact MSys Technologies’ Cloud and DevOps architects. We will help you accelerate the adoption of cloud-native platforms.